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Opportunities: Serving and Giving

Updated: May 19, 2022

Hi friends. We just want to remind you that every Saturday morning we serve breakfast to our homeless and street friends in partnership with Downtown Presbyterian church. To get more info and sign up click here.

Giving Tree Update:

Every time you donate for the Giving Tree we have the opportunity to purchase items and give them away. Since December 2018, we have given away over 900 hand warmers; over 360 baggies with snacks, toiletries and cough drops; 4 propane tanks, 11 cold weather emergency sleeping bags; many donated socks and long sleeve shirts and jackets; over 250 fast food gift cards and gave 3 people a few nights stay at a motel during extreme cold weather. We could not have done so much with out your help and your donations.


Sometimes its the action of a thing that gets us energized. When we receive giving tree and item donations we put together baggies that consist of:

- 1 gallon size Ziplock bags

- cheese or peanut butter cracker packs

- cough drops

- beef jerky sticks

- travel size tissue packs or wet wipes

- 2 or 3 hand warmer packs

- bottled water (optional)

All these items fit in a gallon size ziplock. We either hand them out at Saturday morning breakfast or as we drive around and encounter folks on the street in need of warm hands. You can bring them to The Cookery or you can hand them out yourselves!

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