Important Message About Giving Matters
As a 501c3 nonprofit we want our donors and customers to have a options on ways to give.
Giving Matters is a great resource that provides transparency about non profits in the state of Tennessee. You can look at our public disclosure forms on their site: from governance to audited financial statements and our most recent Form 990. Please know that if you choose to donate to us via GM, we will not receive that donation for another month and with 6% fees deducted. Unfortunately, they have had issues getting your donations from year end 2024 (via Giving Matters) to us. If you want to donate online, please choose PayPal. You can also call us at 615-269-2911 and donate (securely) via credit/debit over phone or you can send a check. You can also donate in person at the register. Thank you for your understanding. With small non profits, every dollar matters and we are grateful for you support. Thank you! (03Feb2025)

Donation Guidelines
Welcome Home Kit
Cost $200
Help us put together a welcome home kit for our new students: ​
Walmart Gift Card- for their first couple weeks of food and supplies at home. Essentials (shaving cream, razors, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, laundry detergent, bed-in-a-bag, towels). When you donate, please indicate Welcome Home Kit.

PayPal or Credit Card
To donate via PayPal just click on the donate button. It will take you to the PayPal site.
To donate with Credit card, click on the button. It will take you to the Paypal site. Scroll down until you see the option for
"Credit Card". Click on that button.
​Donating via Giving Matters:
The site takes up to 6% fees on every donation and it takes a month (after you have donated) to reach us.
We are working on acquiring other forms of accepting online donations.

If someone is asking for donations on our behalf, claims to be associated with Lambscroft or The Cookery, or making claims about our organization and its programs or you simply want to verify if the request is on our behalf, please call us immediately at 615-269-2911 or email

Amazon Wish list
Throughout the year, we collect necessities and donations to support the homeless, formerly incarcerated, and marginalized here in Nashville. Those needs look different throughout the year. If you are looking for a way to tangibly support The Cookery and Lambscroft Ministries, please click the link below to view our Amazon Wish List.

Kroger Community Rewards
Already shop at Kroger? Have a Kroger Plus card or number? You can support Lambscroft Ministries by enrolling in community rewards and linking you Kroger Plus Card with us!
1. Sign in to your Kroger account (or create one if you are new) at
​2. Click on My Account, Scroll down to Community Rewards.
3. Click on Enroll now
4. Choose Lambscroft Ministries | Organization Number KD393
5. Ask your family and friends to do the same!
Kroger will donate every quarter to Lambscroft Ministries!

Restored lives reconciled to God, self and others.
To glorify God b helping people move from homelessness and despair to hope as a part of Christ's community by providing housing, mentoring, job training, discipleship and service opportunities.
Our purpose is to adhere to the Gospel of Jesus Christ; to provide the opportunity necessary to encourage and support its effect on us and on those we serve through everyday living and service; to continue to be a center of effective training and encouragement; and to follow the teachings, life, and character of Jesus, and his call on the human soul.

History and Background

In 2008, compassion stirred amongst a group of believers, in conjunction with some local area churches, to address the plight of homelessness in the community. Out of their vision, they created a program called Church in the Yard (CiTY). It was held in the yard of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church (downtown Nashville) and consisted of serving food and holding a Sunday service for the homeless. That same year, The Upper Room Shelter program began by taking in six homeless individuals on a biweekly basis at the Woodbine Cumberland Presbyterian Church gymnasium. Eventually the program grew to welcome between 60 to 110 individuals. Twice a week, they were provided with a hot meal, and a safe place to sleep. The Upper Room Shelter closed its doors in August 2015 due to the church property being sold. During this time, a more concerted effort was made to organize and unify the vision. In 2011, Lambscroft Ministries became an official 501c3 organization. A croft is an old English term for a small tenant farm, so we want to attend to, and steward that which the Lamb has entrusted to us.
Lambscroft’s vision was to do more for the homeless men than just hand out food and provide temporary shelter. There was a major need for job opportunities and spiritual renewal and restoration. Brett Swayn, Lambscroft’s founder and director, came out of an employment history that involved training people in the culinary arts. He awakened to the realization that he could do the same for the homeless. Why not establish a café where homeless men could be given a job and at the same time receive training for future employment in the culinary arts? After pursuing the dream for three years, the opening of The Cookery café was fulfilled in the summer of 2013. The Cookery, in addition to serving coffee, breakfast, lunch, and catering services, was now a business with an outreach and greater purpose. In The Cookery kitchen, formerly homeless men enroll as students, are trained and equipped in culinary techniques and food safety, in order to prepare them for employment in Nashville’s food industry. “Through all of this God has taught us perseverance, resilience, patience, and trust,” says Brett Swayn. Ideally, all revenue from The Cookery goes to cover café expenses and to give back into programs serving Nashville’s homeless. The reality is that the business model of The Cookery will always depend on the generosity, time, and good will of others to sustain it. Training students in a live, hands-on environment involves quality time with the understanding that production may suffer. In addition, Lambscroft is committed to giving time off for spiritual counseling and nurture as most come into the program dealing with addictions or other forms of bondage. To assist with ministering to the whole person, Lambscroft established two Discipleship Houses, where students can live in a safe environment, free of distractions while seeking spiritual study, community, and a renewed life.
Request a Speaker
If you would like to have Brett or Merari Swayn or any one of our team members come to speak at your church, school, class, group, or event, please email with the following information:
1. Date of event 2. Time of event 3. Reason/Theme for event 4. Contact Person, email, and phone number for this event
We do not require an honorarium. Offerings or honorariums will go towards supporting our outreach and culinary training programs unless otherwise stated. Please note: If you would like to bless the speaker personally, please make sure you make the check out to the specific speaker and not Lambscroft Ministries or The Cookery. Thank you!
Governing documents, financial statements, and Form 990s are available upon request.
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